
Be Happy Right Now..part 2

>> Friday, October 10, 2008

So we come to this statement:

More important than spiritual ascension is personal contentment.

Only with personal contentment can you ascend spiritually. Personal contentment does not mean material or sensory satisfaction. Personal contentment means to be truly happy with yourself right here and now.
From this state of personal contentment EVERYTHING is possible. Personal contentment brings peace of mind. That's why I have developed Gratitude-Bliss Meditation (GBM). Based on ancient philosophies and good old common sense, GBM is the perfect solution for 21st Century fast-paced life.
This technique will put you in a state of contentment, guaranteed. Just like 1 + 1 = 2, following these instructions cannot fail.

The Power of Gratitude
Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions a human being can experience. It alone can put you in a state of Bliss (contentment). A grateful mind is a content mind. A grateful mind needs nothing. When you are in a state of Gratitude, peace and overall contentment follows.
So from this we can say that...
Gratitude = contentment = True Happiness (Bliss)

Another key point about gratitude is that when FOCUSED, it becomes an extremely powerful energy source that releases Bliss at any time. So with the power of GBM you can turn a bad moment into a great one!
Shall your lives be filled with Gratitude, Joy, and Bliss!
What do you think?Where you put your self?,past? now! or future? Try to think about it.(


Be Happy Right Now

simple question...
Really, think about it. Do you really want to be happy? Do you deserve to be happy? Are you doing everything in your power to be happy?
Or do you think happiness is something for the wealthy, the good-looking, royalty, and the spiritually advanced?
Well, guess again. I have developed the perfect way for you to be happy. It's called Gratitude-Bliss Meditation.
But first, If you think happiness is not for you then stop reading this report right now. You might
not be ready for this powerful technique. But if you are ready for happiness, then read on.

Being Happy
From the beginning of human history we have been searching for happiness. Most of our daily functions and overall desires all revolve around "being happy." Being satisfied is a key goal in our current "materialistic society."

But something that the spiritually advanced noticed quickly was that everything material is impermanent. Like beauty fades, and youth withers away, so does everything material. So happiness cannot depend on the material.

So as this revelation was made clearer, many ancient traditions focused on the opposite, the spiritual. And thus, if you begin studying ancient texts and modern sciences, you'll notice their complexity. The more you learn the more you get confused. Eventually, the main goal, happiness (or personal contentment), is lost in the haze.
Some, the very adept, are able to reach that state of pure happiness through spiritual ascension, via ascetic practices. Going on retreat to the middle of nowhere and living in a monastery devoid of life's simple pleasures, does not seem like a practical option for a normal human being living in the 21st Century. For us, the normal human beings, spiritual ascension is a goal we might want but not at the expense of "living life to the fullest."
For most of us, our time is our most precious commodity. We love to live life in the moment and we enjoy life more when we are in action. We like doing, evolving, learning, interacting, being, moving; this is who we are.
Sitting in a room quietly for thirty minutes, then thrusting yourself into this hectic city-world and thinking everything is going to be perfect is not a realistic view of life. Plus, with bills, spouses, bosses, coworkers, offspring, and other obstacles, one needs a "real world" approach to this fast-paced life.

By Urayoan PazAuthor of The Gratitude-Bliss Meditation Handbook

to be continued...


Experience Total Freedom

Are you stressed? Are you so busy getting to the future that the present is reduced to a means of getting there? Stress is caused by being "here" but wanting to be "there," or being in the present but wanting to be in the future. It's a split that tears you apart inside.
Does the past take up a great deal of your attention? Do you frequently talk and think about it, either positively or negatively? The great things that you have achieved, your adventures or experiences, or your victim story and the dreadful things that were done to you, or maybe what you did to someone else?
Are your thought processes creating guilt, pride, resentment, anger, regret, or self-pity? Then you are not only reinforcing a false sense of self but also helping to accelerate your body's aging process by creating an accumulation of past in your psyche. Verify this for yourself by observing those around you who have a strong tendency to hold on to the past.

Die To The Past Every Moment
You don't need it. Only refer to it when it is absolutely relevant to the present. Feel the power of this moment and the fullness of Being. Feel your presence.
Are you worried? Do you have many "what if" thoughts? You are identified with your mind, which is projecting itself into an imaginary future situation and creating fear. There is no way that you can cope with such a situation, because it doesn't exist. It's a mental phantom.
You can stop this health- and life-corroding insanity simply by acknowledging the present moment.

Become Aware Of Your Breathing
Feel the air flowing in and out of your body. Feel your inner energy field. All that you ever have to deal with, cope with, in real life -- as opposed to imaginary mind projections -- is this moment. Ask yourself what "problem" you have right now, not next year, tomorrow, or five minutes from nöw. What is wrong with this moment?
You can always cope with the Now, but you can never cope with the future -- nor do you have to. The answer, the strength, the right action, or the resource will be there when you need it, not before, not after.
Are you a habitual "waiter"? How much of your life do you spend waiting? What I call "small-scale waiting" is waiting in line at the post office, in a traffïc jam, at the airport, or waiting for someone to arrive, to finish work, and so on. "Large-scale waiting" is waiting for the next vacation, for a better job, for the children to grow up, for a truly meaningful relationship, for success, to make monëy, to be important, to become enlightened. It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.
Waiting is a state of mind. Basically, it means that you want the future; you don't want the present. You don't want what you've got, and you want what you haven't got. With every kind of waiting, you unconsciously create inner conflict between your here and now, where you don't want to be, and the projected future, where you want to be. This greatly reduces the quality of your life by making you losë the present.
For example, many people are waiting for prosperity. It cannot come in the future. When you honor, acknowledge, and fully accept your present reality -- where you are, who you are, what you are doing right nöw -- when you fully accept what you have got, you are grateful for what you have got, grateful for what is, grateful for Being. Gratitude for the present moment and the fullness of life now is true prosperity. It cannot come in the future. Then, in time, that prosperity manifests for you in various ways.
If you are dissatisfied with what you have got, or even frustrated or angry about your present lack, that may motivate you to become rich, but even if you do make millïons, you will continue to experience the inner condition of lack, and deep down you will continue to feel unfulfilled. You may have many exciting experiences that monëy can buy, but they will come and go and always leave you with an empty feeling and the need for further physical or psychological gratification. You won't abide in Being and so feel the fullness of life nöw that alone is true prosperity.

Give Up Waiting As A State Of Mind
When you catch yourself slipping into waiting... snap out of it. Come into the present moment. Just be, and enjoy being. If you are present, there is never any need for you to wait for anything.
So next time somebody says, "Sorry to have kept you waiting," you can reply, "That's all right, I wasn't waiting. I was just standing here enjoying myself -- in joy in my self."
These are just a few of the habitual mind strategies for denying the present moment that are part of ordinary unconsciousness. They are easy to overlook because they are so much a part of normal living: the background static of perpetual discontent. But the more you practice monitoring your inner mental-emotional state, the easier it will be to know when you have been trapped in past or future, which is to say unconscious, and to awaken out of the dream of time into the present. But beware: The false, unhappy self, based on mind identification, lives on time. It knows that the present moment is its own death and so feels very threatened by it. It will do all it can to take you out of it. It will try to keep you trapped in time.
In a sense, the state of presence could be compared to waiting. It is a qualitatively different kind of waiting, one that requires your total alertness. Something could happen at any moment, and if you are not absolutely awake, absolutely still, you will miss it. In that state, all your attention is in the Now. There is none left for daydreaming, thinking, remembering, anticipating. There is no tension in it, no fear, just alert presence. You are present with your whole Being, with every cell of your body.
In that state, the "you" that has a past and a future, the personality if you like, is hardly there anymore. And yet nothing of value is lost. You are still essentially yourself. In fact, you are more fully yourself than you ever were before, or rather it is only now that you are truly yourself.
The past cannot survive in your presence. Whatever you need to know about the unconscious past in you, the challenges of the present will bring it out. If you delve into the past, it will become a bottomless pit: There is always more. You may think that you need more time to understand the past or become free of it, in other words, that the future will eventually free you of the past. This is a delusion. Only the present can free you of the past. More time cannot free you of time.
Access the power of Now. That is the key. The power of Now is none other than the power of your presence, your consciousness liberated from thought forms. So deal with the past on the level of the present. The more attention you give to the past, the more you energize it, and the more likely you are to make a "self" out of it.
Don't misunderstand: Attention is essential, but not to the past as past. Give attention to the present; give attention to your behavior, to your reactions, moods, thoughts, emotions, fears, and desires as they occur in the present. There's the past in you. If you can be present enough to watch all those things, not critically or analytically but nonjudgmentally, then you are dealing with the past and dissolving it through the power of your presence.
You cannot find yourself by going into the past. You find yourself by coming into the present


? Is the Key to Freedom

One of the most crucial aspects of life is the notion of freedom and the notion of bondage. Ultimately, our goal is to experience freedom, but to understand what freedom is we first have to understand what bondage is.

What does it mean to be free and what does it mean to be in bondage? To be in bondage is to be stuck in this or that possibility, having lost the ability to choose from an infinite range of responses.
What is the bondage to?
The bondage is always to our own boundaries, to our own beliefs and conditioned responses. Boundaries and beliefs are nothing more than ideas or concepts that we have committed to and accepted as truth. And when they are as rigid and inflexible as concrete, we cannot see past them. They become the prison walls that we inadvertently construct around ourselves.
Freedom: The power to think or act without restraint; the capacity to exercise choice.
You wrap yourself in thoughts the way a spider wraps flies in gossamer. You are both the spider and the fly, entangling yourself in your own web. Your entire lifetime and other lifetimes are packaged inside you as imprints or energy patterns that are triggered by words, encounters, and relationships. You have been conditioned to interpret your experiences in a certain way, and this determines how you react to them. So any bondage that you experience is really the prison of your own conditioning.
Most people live their entire lives in bondage. They are a bundle of nerves and conditioned responses, which are constantly being triggered by other people and circumstances into totally predictable outcomes. To be free of bondage, we have to break down conditioned responses; we have to go beyond boundaries and experience the boundless.

What is freedom?
Freedom comes from the experiential knowledge of our true nature, which is already free. It comes from finding out that our real essence is the joyful field of infinite consciousness that animates all of creation. To have the experience of our real essence is just to be. Then we are free. In this state of freedom, we understand that life is the meaningful coexistence of all opposite values. We may experience happiness or we may experience pain and suffering, but we do not get attached to pleasure and we do not recoil in fear of pain. In freedom, we even lose our fear of death, because the belief in mortality is just a spell that we have cast upon ourselves.
Behind the mask of mortality is the field of immortality. The real you is immortal; it is beyond birth and death. The real you is not your ego, which is time-bound; it is your spirit, which is timeless. When you know that, when you identify with your spirit, you are free of every limitation, including the limitation that you are a person trapped inside a body for the span of a lifetime. You are the source of both body and mind, and you are not touched by this world of change because you know that you are the unchanging essence of pure consciousness itself.
The time-bound comes and goes; the timeless always is. The time-bound is the known; the timeless is the fresh unknown. In our addiction to the time-bound, we have projected a reality of separation and suffering. We live in a collective hallucination where we are bound and imprisoned by our own projections. Past and future are in the imagination; reality is in this moment. Suffering is in the imagination; freedom is in this moment. Beyond all of the obstacles to freedom is a world that is free of all projection; it is the world of infinite consciousness. And that world abides in the eternal moment.

Your Life Is This Moment
There never was a time when your life was not this moment. There never will be a time when your life is not this moment. It is impossible to deal with that which does not exist in this moment. Therefore, live in this moment by keeping your attention in this moment. Abide in this moment, and you will abide in that which is eternal, timeless, ageless, and fresh.
When you live in the now and the here, you recognize that the real you dwells in the timeless, eternal moment. You no longer want to live in the memories of the past or the imaginings of the future. You want to live in the present moment, where you can exercise the power and freedom of choice. The whole purpose of living in freedom is to enjoy the choices that you make in every successive moment of the present.
People have asked me, “Is the world one of free will, or is it deterministic?” The world is both deterministic and one of free will. If you are aware and beyond conditioning, then you have free will and you live in freedom. But if you are unaware and conditioned, then you do not have free will and your world is deterministic.

The present is the moment of choice and interpretation. Your choices, this moment, are creating the external events you are experiencing in this moment. Your interpretations, this moment, are creating the internal events you are experiencing in this moment. And because the “outer” world is a mirror of your “inner” world, your choices and interpretations co-create and perpetuate one another. You are neither the choice nor the interpretation but the source of both. If you become aware of your choices and interpretations, then you will begin to experience freedom of choice.
Therefore, the key to freedom is to become the silent witness, which is the ever-present awareness that witnesses everything. The silent witness is awareness itself. Awareness, aware of itself, is presence, profound wisdom, and peace. When you are free, you identify with your inner self instead of your self-image. And within this freedom lies the ability to spontaneously put your attention on those choices that bring joy to you, and also joy to others.


Change Your Attitude.. Change Your Life

Careful What You Think

Negative thoughts lead to negative beliefs which lead to a negativeattitude and ultimately create a negative life. In other words,keep those negative thoughts and life will only get worse.
If you always complain or focus on what is wrong, or point out whatyou don't like in people you'll only attract negative situationsinto your life.
So be careful what you think - because you might just get it.
The next time you find yourself having a negative thought changeit. Switch it to a positive thought. If you don't; you'll findyourself having a series of negative thoughts, which will lead to anegative attitude and a negative life.
By simply changing what you think you can begin changing thecircumstances of your life.
Choose to have positive thoughts. Eliminate negative thoughts. Focus on the positive - and you'll attract more positive situations. Feed your subconscious mind positive messages; create empowering beliefs that will launch you to success and happiness


Change Your Attitude.. Change Your Life

All change begins on the inside
What you see around you, everything that makes up your life is merely a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and energy.
Your life as you see it is a mirror of who you are and what you believe.
If you're having difficulty in any area simply examine yourthoughts and beliefs about that area and you will see that yourreality reflects your beliefs.
Researchers have proved, what we think and believe has a directimpact on our reality.
Your subconscious mind picks up on your beliefs and then acts asyour driver taking you to the situations, events and people thatcorrespond with your thoughts and beliefs.
If you have negative beliefs and negative thoughts - yoursubconscious will take you to negative people, negative situationsand negative events. You'll simply end up creating a negativelifestyle.
If you believe that it's difficult to make money - then your lifewill reflect difficulty when it comes to making and saving money.
So in order to change your life and change the areas that you wantto change you have to start from the inside.
If you refuse to accept that you're creating your own life basedon your thoughts and beliefs then you really won't be able tocreate the changes you want.
Instead, you'll continue creating what you don't want.
Only when you accept that you do create your life and thatyou're responsible for your life can you begin to make to make those dramatic changes that you want and need.
This means you have to change your beliefs, change your attitude,change your habits and change your actions so that you can changethe situations that you are not happy with.
If you have a negative attitude - change it - and you'll begin toimprove the quality of your life. If you regularly have negative thoughts - change them. If you have a negative belief system - create positive andempowering beliefs that work for you. Give your driver, your subconscious mind a new set of instructionsso that you start creating the life you want.
How You Can Change Your Attitude

The first step to enjoying success and a better life is to change your attitude.
This means changing the way you see things, changing the way youinterpret things, changing the way you deal with people.
Be more open minded, look at the positive side of things, searchand find the positive spin on things, look for the good in peopleinstead of just focusing on the negative.
Throw out all those negative pre-conceptions that you have aboutpeople, situations and events in your life.
Do an attitude check up.
The next time you respond to a person or a situation check and seeif you have a positive or a negative attitude.
If it's a negative attitude you have to change it.
This means you no longer pass judgment or think that you knoweverything.
Instead, start considering all possibilities, giving people thebenefit of the doubt and focusing on a positive outcome while beingready to learn something new and grow in different ways.
By doing what I just outlined you give your subconscious mind a new set of instructions.
You tell your subconscious that you're ready to see change unfold,that you're open to new possibilities, that you're willing to do what you can to improve your life and that you want more positive situations.
Your subconscious mind responds to your new attitude by helping you improve your life. It will guide you to positive situations andpeople that will help you create the life you want. Good things happen to people with a positive attitude.
Give yourself and attitude checkup. Begin changing your attitude. Start attracting new and positive situations into your life. Make changes from the inside and you'll being to dramaticallyimprove your life.


10 Purposes of Life

1. Share Your Love. Truly pursue this purpose in life with passion, and all the others will follow naturally! Love everyone, and start with those closest to you.
2. Give to Others. You can make a difference in the world! Choose to serve and give in small ways right now. One purpose of life is to serve others.
3. Increase in Light. Your spirit and body can actually hold light. Learn to flow with light, bringing it into your life and letting it flow out to others. Increase your light bearing capacity by following the truth you know. The Light is Real Website contains resources.
4. Learn Wisdom. Pursue wisdom not as your final purpose, but for the love of Wisdom and also to better serve others with increased talents.
5. Accept Yourself. Love who you are. Your birth, body, parents, strengths, weaknesses and nationality all have a purpose. Accept your purpose and your talents. Feel your emotions and allow them to flow.
6. Enjoy the Mystery. Wonder at the beauty and richness of life, without trying to figure it all out. See the world in childlike simplicity and joy.
7. Create Your Reality. In this sphere, you choose with your thoughts what to create. Be bold in life, and decide what you really want. Move toward all your dreams with a powerful vision! You can learn to consciously create your life. Choose now to maximize your creative mind by signing up for the newsletter or by viewing this short video on Creating Your Reality.
8. Follow the Spirit. Trust your inner voice that leads you and prompts you into the higher paths. Learning to follow this Holy Spirit is one of the purposes of life. As you listen to the spirit, you will achieve greater inspiration for all your daily activities.
9. Revel in the Present. Find joy, focus, and engagement in every present activity. Your point of personal power is the present moment. You can only act in the present. As you live in the now, you conquer the illusion of time and begin to live in Holographic Time.
10. Experience Joy. The ultimate purpose of this life is joy and happiness. We maximize our joy by pursuing it indirectly. Simply pursue the first nine purposes of life and the tenth (Joy) will flow magnetically to you!



>> Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rendang Tok Sumber : kakliza


1 kg daging [potong sebesar 3 inci]

2 cawan santan pekat [1 biji kelapa]

1/2 cawan kerisik

1/2 biji kelapa [dipotong nipis] >> kakliza x masukkan sebab anak2 tak suka..

3 s/b gula merah

3 keping asam keping Daun kunyit [koyakkan]


Bahan mesin

2 s/b ketumbar

1 s/b jintan manis

1 s/b jintan putih

1 s/b lada hitam

3 kuntum bunga lawang

5 kuntum bunga cengkih

25 biji cili kering

20 biji bawang merah

5 cm halia

5 batang serai

3 cm lengkuas Cara:

1. Masukkan semua bahan kecuali daun kunyit, kerisik dan asam keping dalam kuali.

2. Masakkan dengan api perlahan sehingga pekat dan naik minyak.

3. Bila telah pekat masukkan daun kunyit, asam keping dan kerisik. Kacau rata.

4. Masakkan lagi sehinggan naik minyak dan cukup pekat. [sebaiknya keringkan sikit rendang ni]

5. Hidangkan


Kuih Tradisional-Gelamai

Maklang nak citerkan skitlah pasal kuih ni. Mungkin ada yg tau dan ada gak yg tak tau mengenai kuih tradisi iaitu Gelamai.Kuih ni jarang lagi ditemui, hanya dibbp tempat je..org2 tua dulu sukalah buat kuih ni terutama orang ni payah nak cari org wat gelamai lagi sbb memang payah skit buatnya.Bhn2nya terdiri dari gula merah, santan, beras pulut.Gelamai ni agak keras skit tapi taklah sampai tak leh gigit lak. Bila keras, maklang akan kukus semula setelah dipotong2 dan gaul ngan kelapa. Gelamai ni seakan2 dodol dan cara masaknya macam masak lemang...dimasuk dlm buluh dan dibakar. Buluh tu pulak telah dibuang/dikikis kulit luarnya...tak dimasukkan daun pisang mcm masak lemang tu...tapi dimasukkan terus beras pulut yg telah dicampur sumer bhn terus ke dalam buluh...rasanya sedap tapi cara membuatnya agak renyah dan leceh skit... memang kalo org tak pandai buat memang tak jadik. Maklang sendiri tak rajin le nak cuba2 Sapa2 teringin nak rasa gelamai ni bolehlah singgah di gerai abg ipar maklang kat Kg.Gunung Panjang, Gopeng, Perak. Memang gerai abg ipar ni je yg jual gelamai, org lain maklang tak penah nampak lagi.. Gerai tu betui2 tepi jalan nak ke KL atau ke Utara (kalau ikut jalan lama, bukan highway). Resepi gelamai ni telah diperturunkan oleh MIL kepada anak sulungnya (abg ipar maklang)..dan la ni ianya menjadi punca pencarian abg ipar sekeluarga. Memang ramai yg datang utk beli gelamai sehingga pihak TV3 pun ada buat liputan... tak tau rancangan apa sbb maklang pun tak tengok Gelamai ni paling laris bila time nak raya...berbatang2 orang tempah sampai tak cukup tangan membuatnya.


Makanan Tradisional Malaysia

>> Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pernah dengar "Tosei", "Capati", "Rempeyek", "Rendang", "Lemang", "Maruku" @ "sate"?. Ini adalah sebahagian makanan tradisional Masyarakat Malaysia. Tidak kira bangsa Melayu, India @ Cina meminati makanan yang disebut tadi. Jom kenali makanan tradisional Malaysia.


? is Colour

Colour is simply light of different wavelengths and frequencies and light is just one form of energy that we can actually see that is made up from photons.
We are all surrounded by electromagnetic waves of energy of which colour is just a small part.
The visible spectrum of colour as we see it, consists of seven main colours:

We can see seven main colours of the Visible Spectrum
The retinas in our eyes though have three types of colour receptors in the form of cones. We can actually only detect three of these visible colours - red - blue and green. These colours are called
additive primaries. It is these three colours that are mixed in our brain to create all of the other colours we see... how clever we are!
The wavelength and frequency of light we see, also influences the colour we see. The seven colours of the spectrum all have varying wavelengths and frequencies. Red is at the lower end of the spectrum and has a higher wavelength but lower frequency to that of Violet at the top end of the spectrum which has a lower wavelength and higher frequency


Colour Therapy

Colour Therapy
Colour therapy has been used very effectively to treat a number of diseases and other illnesses. It is very easy to practice and inexpensive.
To make use of colour therapy one can simply imagine or visualise the colour surrounding you in a bubble. You can eat a food of the correct colour, wear that colour of clothing or keep the colour around you with flowers or paper. One can also channel colour through your hands to the appropriate area of your body or focus on a crystal of the colour.

The colour of purity and amplification.
It can be used all over the body in all the systems. White contains the entire light spectrum so it can purify the entire system. If you are unsure of what colour to use, white is best.

The colour that reflects strength. It is a grounding colour that can be used for protection.
Black is the protective colour. It is grounding and calming especially to sensitive people. Using too much black can cause depression but one can balance this by using white.

Strengthens the life force, reflects will and sexuality.
Is used for the circulatory system and for sexuality. It stimulates the overall metabolism. It also stimulates deeper passions. Red can strengthen the physical energy. Red is balanced by the colour green.

Activation, construction, optimism and energy reserves.
Can be used in the muscular system, the eliminative system and for emotional aggression. It is the colour of joy and wisdom and creativity. It is the colour that makes people feel sociable. Too much orange can be balanced by blue-green. The colour orange can be used to heal the spleen, pancreas, stomach, intestines, adrenals, food assimilation and depression.

Mental activity, intellectual power and ability, and awakening.
Yellow can be used for the digestive system, the gastro-intestinal tract, adrenal activity and for the left hemisphere of the brain. It awakens enthusiasm for life and can be used to help learning. Too much yellow is balanced with the blue colours of the spectrum.

Balance and growth and calming.
This colour is used in the circulatory system and the sympathetic nervous system. It should be noted that green must never be used to try and heal tumours or cancerous conditions as it assists growth. Green increases sensitivity and compassion. It awakens greater friendliness, hope, faith and peace. It is restful and revitalising to overtaxed mental conditions.

Peace, faith, aspiration and creative expression.
Used for the respiratory system, venous conditions and the eyes, ears, nose and throat. It is cooling and quieting and has an antiseptic effect. Helps with most childhood diseases as well as asthma, chicken pox, jaundice and rheumatism. Awakens intuition and eases loneliness. It also aids artistic expression and inspiration.

Integration, purification and altered states of consciousness.
Used in the endocrine system and the reproductive system. It can be used to assist infections and most conditions of the head and face. It heals on physical and spiritual levels. It strengthens the lymph system, the glands and the immune system. It is an excellent detoxifier. Too much indigo can be balanced by the soft orange shades.

Purification, transmutation and practical spirituality.
Aids the skeletal system, nervous system, and cancers and tumours. It is a very powerful antiseptic and purifies on all levels. Arthritis can be healed with a blue-violet. It stimulates inspiration and humility. It also stimulates dream activity and past life recollection.

Multi purpose healing.
Helps with the respiratory system and strengthens the metabolism. It cools fevers and inflammations. It is very good for skin ailments, acute pain and earaches. Colour breathing with this colour can stop asthmatic attacks.

Helps the body to assimilate oxygen. It helps to clear a muddled mind and eases depression.

Grounding and stabilising.
It heals and aids overexcited states. It calms and grounds emotions and extreme mental conditions. It awakens common sense and discrimination. It stops the sensation of "spaciness". The rusty shades of brown are especially good for hyperactivity.

Strengthening and amplifying.
Good for the immune system and cardiac conditions. Awakens ones healing abilities to restore balance. It also awakens renewed enthusiasm.

Mental stimulation.
Great for the digestive system and left hemisphere brain activity. It is very good for Alzheimer's and senility. Assists in bringing toxins to the surface for clearing. It is also good for tissues and bones.

Used for skin conditions, inflammations and the immune system. It soothes anger and feelings of neglect. Awakens compassion, love, purity, and discernment of greater truths. It stimulates the thymus gland.

Intense purification.
Use to detoxify the body but use sparingly. It is good for headaches.

Amplification and intuitive clarification.
Good to discern the cause of the disease. It is very effective in meditations. It stimulates the creative imagination and activates innate intuition.


Ten Laws of Attraction

Copyright Christopher Westra & Ten Laws of Attraction

Knowing how to attract what you want is one of the key skills to develop in this life. By reading these ten laws below you will develop a relaxed sense of ease while creating your reality. Please forward these ten laws to friends and family who may benefit.
Important note – the Ten Laws to follow are in the left columns below. The opposites are provided for comparison and contrast, which helps in learning and understanding. Focus more on the "Do" laws, and only glance at the right column.
I call this natural mind method of attraction "Holographic Creation". You can find out more about this Holographic Creation process by visiting
You will learn to master the art of generating emotions. You will realize that nothing outside yourself will cause you to feel a certain way. Emotions come from within, and when you can "feel it now", you will naturally attract more of the same!
All manifesting starts with desire. Success in manifesting depends on desiring in the proper way. You want to do the process correctly right from the beginning, and these ten laws will help you do that.
I believe in a God that is in all things and through all things. I believe we are made of "God-Stuff" and maintain connection with the entire universe in this way. This is why our thoughts create our reality, and why we attract what we focus on and imagine.
Know that you are one with God and the universe, and this will encourage you to trust and surrender, which is one key of the law of attraction.
Another great resource for manifesting is Apryl Jensen’s book on Everyday Manifesting. Her subtitle is "Finding Joy Through Creating Consciously". You can create consciously by learning and using the laws of attraction below. You can discover more about conscious creation at
If you are reading a printed copy of these ten laws, you can access them (and loads of other Light Resources) at
Thanks, and enjoy the Ten Laws of Attraction below!
Christopher and Apryl

Ten Laws of Attraction

(Note – Follow the laws on the bold sentence! The light sentence is here for comparison)
1. Want it but don’t need it! Express gratitude for your current blessings. Allow more to flow into your life by cultivating a spirit of contentment and acceptance.
1. Need it. Absolutely require what you want in order to be happy. Want it in a very "demanding" way.
2. Want with relaxation and ease. Think of the difference between Power and Force. Replace hurry with patience.
2. Want with force and compulsion. Try to control and make everything turn out the way you want.
3. Open yourself to "something better". Visualize the end result, but allow the universe to figure out the "hows".
3. Insist on specifics. Insist that what you want must manifest in a particular way and by a particular method.
4. Be happy without it. You can be happy while still desiring some things to be better in your life. Enjoy happiness right now.
4. Dwell on unhappiness and lack. Eliminate the creative flow by desiring in a "pressured" and "grasping" way.
5. Trust and surrender. Trust in a higher power who knows what is best for you. Surrender in humility to this higher power.
5. Allow fear and ego to rule. Refuse to relax and surrender because you think you can control and do everything yourself. Copyright Christopher Westra & Copyright Christopher Westra &
6. Know why you want it. Ask your self the three words, "For What Purpose?" What emotional state do you desire and anticipate.
6. Avoid conscious creation. Do not attempt to understand why you want something, merely believe it will fulfill you somehow.
7. Explore your reasons. The more benefits and reasons you can imagine in detail, the more likely it is you will manifest your desire.
7. Maintain only one reason for wanting. Do not expand your mind and think of more benefits.
8. Take small steps. Any step forward brings you closer to your desire. Incremental actions lead to monumental results!
8. Freeze yourself into inactivity. Think that the big important steps just take too much energy, so do nothing instead.
9. Exercise patience and consistent action. Success is the progressive realization of a worthy idea. Free yourself from linear time, and live your life in the now.
9. Demand it now. Insist on the need to hurry (because you can’t be happy without it). Believe there is some real destination to reach.
10. Believe you are worth it. You do deserve what you want. Identify and eliminate any limiting beliefs. Remember that you can powerfully create what you want.
10. Believe in your own inferiority. Tell yourself you do not deserve good things in life. Insist that you are a victim.


Colour of Therapy

Meaning and use of colors

Chakras and their corresponding positions in the human body
See also: Color symbolism and psychology
Health is contingent upon balancing not only our physical needs, but our emotional needs as well. In India, a group of healers versed in Ayurvedic medicine describe colors associated with the seven main chakras, which are, according to their system, spiritual centers in our bodies located along the spine.[3]
There are seven of these chakras and each is associated with a particular organ or system in the body. Each chakra has a dominant color, but these colors may become imbalanced. If this happens it can cause disease and other physical ramifications.[3] By introducing the appropriate color, these maladies can be fixed. Below is a description of each chakra and its corresponding color.

Red: First Chakra: Located at the base of the spine.
Orange: Second Chakra: pelvis area
Yellow: Third Chakra: solar plexus
Green: Fourth Chakra: heart
Blue: Fifth Chakra: throat
Indigo: Sixth Chakra: lower part of the forehead
Violet: Seventh Chakra: top of the head


History of metaphysic

History of metaphysics

One of the first metaphysicians is Parmenides of Elea. He held that the multiplicity of existing things, their changing forms and motion, are but an appearance of a single eternal reality (“Being”), thus giving rise to the Parmenidean principle that “all is one.” From this concept of Being, he went on to say that all claims of change or of non-Being are illogical. Because he introduced the method of basing claims about appearances on a logical concept of Being, he is considered one of the founders of metaphysics. [2]
Metaphysics, is called "first philosophy" by Aristotle. The editor of his works, Andronicus of Rhodes, is thought to have placed the books on first philosophy right after another work, Physics, and called them τὰ μετὰ τὰ φυσικὰ βιβλία (ta meta ta physika biblia) or, "the books that come after the [books on] physics." This was misread by Latin scholiasts, who thought it meant "the science of what is beyond the physical."[3] In the English language, the word comes by way of the Medieval Latin metaphysica, the neuter plural of Medieval Greek metaphysika.[4] While its Greek and Latin origins are clear, various dictionaries trace its first appearance in English to the mid-sixteenth century, although in some cases as early as 1387.[4][5]
Aristotle's Metaphysics was divided into three parts, in addition to some smaller sections related to a philosophical lexicon and some reprinted extracts from the Physics, which are now regarded as the proper branches of traditional Western metaphysics:
The study of Being and existence; includes the definition and classification of entities, physical or mental, the nature of their properties, and the nature of change.
Natural Theology
The study of God; involves many topics, including among others the nature of religion and the world, existence of the divine, questions about Creation, and the numerous religious or spiritual issues that concern humankind in general.
Universal science
The study of first principles, which Aristotle believed to be the foundation of all other inquiries. An example of such a principle is the law of noncontradiction and the status it holds in non-paraconsistent logics.
Universal science or first philosophy treats of "being qua being" — that is, what is basic to all science before one adds the particular details of any one science. Essentially "being qua being" may be translated as "being insofar as being goes", or as, "being in terms of being". This includes topics such as causality, substance, species and elements, as well as the notions of relation, interaction, and finitude.
Metaphysics as a discipline was a central part of academic inquiry and scholarly education even before the age of Aristotle. Long considered "the Queen of Sciences",[cite this quote] its issues were considered no less important than the other main formal subjects of physical science, medicine, mathematics, poetics and music. Since the beginning of modern philosophy during the seventeenth century, problems that were not originally considered within the bounds of metaphysics have been added to its purview, while other problems considered metaphysical for centuries are now typically relegated to their own separate regions in philosophy, such as philosophy of religion, philosophy of mind, philosophy of perception, philosophy of language, and philosophy of science.
In some cases, subjects of metaphysical scholarship have been found to be entirely physical and natural, thus making them part of physics proper (cf. Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity).




Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy investigating principles of reality transcending those of any particular science. Cosmology and ontology are traditional branches of metaphysics. It is concerned with explaining the ultimate nature of being and the world.[1]
The word derives from the Greek words μετά (metá) (meaning "beyond" or "after") and φυσικά (physiká) (meaning "physical"), "physical" referring to those works on matter by Aristotle in antiquity. The prefix meta- ("beyond") was attached to the chapters in Aristotle's work that physically followed after the chapters on "physics", in posthumously edited collections. Aristotle called some of the subjects treated there "first philosophy."
A central branch of metaphysics is ontology, the investigation into what types of things there are in the world and what relations these things bear to one another. The metaphysician also attempts to clarify the notions by which people understand the world, including existence, objecthood, property, space, time, causality, and possibility.
More recently, the term "metaphysics" has also been employed by non-philosophers to refer to "subjects that are beyond the physical world". A "metaphysical bookstore", for instance, does not sell books on ontology, but rather one that sells esoteric books on spirits, faith healing, crystal power, occultism, and other such topics which the philosophic pursuit of metaphysics generally does not include.
Before the development of modern science, scientific questions were addressed as a part of metaphysics known as "natural philosophy"; the term "science" itself meant "knowledge". The scientific method, however, made natural philosophy an empirical and experimental activity unlike the rest of philosophy, and by the end of the eighteenth century it had begun to be called "science" in order to distinguish it from philosophy. Thereafter, metaphysics became the philosophical enquiry of a non-empirical character into the nature of existence. Thus the original situation of metaphysics being integral with (Aristotelian) physics and science, has, in the West, become reversed so that scientists generally consider metaphysics antithetical to the empirical sciences.

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