
As salam...hi there...

>> Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Lama x beralam maya...
wise bz x bertempat bermenjak2 ni...


>> Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chasing success, is like "the dog chasing its tail." How in the world can we attain what we don't already have? Do you see, feel, hear, taste and even touch the intrinsic contradiction of this notion? If we don't have something, "it does not exist!" If we can see it, "we can be it." If we can think it, "we can drink it...!" If we can feel it, "we can seal it into manifestation." Cheers to recognizing your success.

-Tamir Qadree Ph D -

Something we all should know.....GRATITUDE

>> Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It is so important that you are grateful for everything in your life. Many people focus on the one thing they want and then forget to be grateful for all the things they have. Without gratitude you cannot achieve anything through the law of attraction, because if you are not emanating gratitude from your being, then by default you are emanating ungratefulness. Be proactive and use the frequency of your being to receive what you want.

How Happiness attract money?....

>> Friday, May 21, 2010

You don't need money to be happy

Stop searching for the magical arrival of an ideal and perfect day. Enjoy the flux and flow of this very day. The present moment is the only time you can be happy because now is the only time that exists. Be happy before you get money. Be happy right now!

When you are already happy, then you don't need money. You simply desire increased abundance for yourself, your family, and the entire world. You can surely have it then, because you have learned the lesson.
Choose to feel the way you want to feel right now, and then you can have anything you want.

* please think & consider...thanx

Ni korang tanya bean moreno...

>> Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dalam hidup ni kena selalu positif....kena selalu berterima kasih...kena selalu memaafkan & yang paling penting kena selalu bersyukur....
x caye...korang tanya karipap...xpun tanya lah bean moreno...

Korang perasan x?...

Ahhh...dah hujan!...jalan sure jem ni!...(sebenarnye hujan ni rahmat!)...korang biasa ngan statement ni kan?...sure semua pembaca biasa sesangat...
Tujuan wise utarakan @ selatankan isu ni bukan la aper pun...cuma sekadar nak mengasah minda agar berpikir..."kenapa apabila hujan...jem pasti berlaku!"...
Adakah kebanyakan manusia atas muka bumi ni mmg takut akan hujan yg turun @ kebanyakannya jakun akan hujan?....
Cuba kita tanya sama itu mr.bean moreno...apa agaknya jawapannya?...

Cuba bayangkan....

>> Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Imagine a world without milk.
No latté, no cappuccino, no croissants.
No fresh milk, yoghurt, crème fraiche or butter.
No cheese – no mozzarella,
No ice cream, no pizza.

Can't we all live in civilized life without milk?..think of that for a while..!..

Macam ni ke?...

>> Tuesday, February 23, 2010

&$%@*&!*( = 2M

tajuk aper...

Dah tanya daaaa...hehehe...

Xde tajuk nak tulis....

Tengah penin...
mahu plan....nak kena tanya bean moreno..
erm...nanti ar.......dah tanya..!..2M..
ok ke...bole kot...?..try ar..

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